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A Chain Link Fence May Be Fitting for Your Business in Rockland County and Westchester County, NY

Many businesses and municipalities can benefit from having a chain link fence installed on their property in the Rockland County or Westchester, NY, area. Chain link fencing is a popular fence type for commercial properties because it is an affordable solution that is durable and can be installed relatively quickly. Here are some of the types of businesses that may benefit from having a chain link fence installed.

A Chain Link Fence May Be Fitting for Your Business in Rockland County and Westchester County, NY


You’ve likely seen a chain link fence surrounding a construction zone, and oftentimes they are temporary fences. However, a construction business can also benefit from having a chain link fence installed on their property.

Construction companies have expensive equipment, tools, and materials that need to be secure, and a chain link fence can help. Many construction businesses have a fenced-in area on their property where they store materials such as lumber and patio pavers. They may even have their entire property surrounded by a chain link fence to keep their tools, vehicles, and heavy equipment secure to protect their assets.


Industrial businesses often surround their property with a fence to keep intruders out. This can prevent the theft of equipment, vehicles, and materials. Oftentimes, a potential thief may see a fence and be deterred. Fences can be installed at various heights and have barbed wire installed at the top for further preventative measures, which will help deter unfavorable activity.

Graffiti tends to show up in industrial areas without fencing. Keeping these intruders off of your property can help save you from needing to have your buildings or equipment repainted to cover up graffiti or vandalism.

Some industrial plants house dangerous materials and chemicals. Keeping a fence around these areas helps keep employees safe and visitors out. Since these facilities often require vast amounts of electricity, they may have transformers on site that could be dangerous, and surrounding these areas may be required by law, but it is also good common sense.

Sports and Recreation

Parks, schools, and businesses that have outdoor sports and recreational facilities will need chain link fencing to surround sports courts. Surrounding a tennis court or basketball court with a chain link fence will help keep the ball in the area, which is especially helpful if there are multiple courts in one area. Imagine the frustration of having a ball from another court bouncing onto yours in the middle of a game!

Baseball and softball fields generally have a chain link fence installed around the spectator area, behind the catcher, and around the dugout areas. This not only helps prevent injury to bystanders by preventing balls from flying out of bounds and hitting someone but also helps prevent damage to nearby vehicles, buildings, and other surrounding objects.

Swimming pool areas require fencing to keep the area enclosed. This is especially important in keeping children out of the pool area in case they wander away from their caretaker. It’s always better to be safe than sorry in these situations. Chain link fences with locks can be built around pool areas for further assurance.

If you are concerned with the aesthetics of a chain link fence, remember that they are available in colors including black, white, and even green. Plus, if you want to have privacy, you can have Permahedge slats installed to keep prying eyes away and make your patrons and employees feel more comfortable enjoying the recreational areas at your business.


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